Friday, November 6, 2009

15 days in Liberty City

Here's a time-lapsed video showing 15 days in Grand Theft Auto IV's Liberty City.

It's amazing to me how elaborate virtual sandboxes have become in the last 3 years alone.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

2 of 365

I love to visit the Japan Kansai/Mao Sims. I find them very relaxing and a nice change of pace.

There are plenty of spots to take a break and enjoy the detailed textures of the scenery.

These sims also host a roleplaying group set in the time period.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

365 days: 1/365

Inspired by Chestnut Rau's blogpost, I decided to forge ahead and begin my own "1 picture a day" project and hopefully keep at it for a full year.

I'm interested in seeing the changes that will be shown through this project. New client-side features, new SL changes, new lighting setups. It will also be a nice retrospective and allow me to remember events that happened throughout SL.

I haven't logged in a few days, so here I am, still in my Hallowe'en costume.