Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thanks MJ

Michael Jackson passed away today at age 50.

I have this fun memory of the time my father spent money to buy a brand new radio/cassette sound system for our home.

He purchased these humongous headphones to go with it. After helping him set the whole thing up (hehehe) I plugged the headphones in and turned on the radio. It was around 8 in the evening, and as the sound poured in my ears, "Thriller" was just getting started.

For the first time ever I was hearing perfectly clear music with no outside noise, much better than earphones.

Then there was the time I first witnessed "Thriller" on tv. I was 12 and riveted to the screen as Michael's face was transforming into a werewolf. My uncle Neil then came behind me and screamed. I jumped out of my skin lol.

I'll never forget those times :)

My personal favorite (his peak in my opinion) was in the Smooth Criminal era. The 30's clothes, the moves, the base-ladden soundtrack. Love it.

Thanks for the music MJ.

